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7 ways of being sponsored as a fashion earrings artist and what is expected from them?

Writer: Silver ShineSilver Shine

I am writing this blog for all those fashion earring artists and other kinds of jewellery artists in India for them to gain an understanding about what you are going to be expected to do, and are those that expect work from you actually the ones that are sponsoring you and if you are a struggling fashion earrings artist how you can be sponsored by a company or any kind of an organisation that sells jewellery.

Lets begin with sponsorship.

fashion earrings online
fashion earrings online

First lets just understand what is the difference between a sponsored artist and an artist that is either paid for his work on a free lance basis or has a full time occupation.

A sponsored artist is provided with the materials that he is asked for and creates designer collection for an entity. He/She may also charge a royal fees on every item sold. Now it completely depends on the contractual agreement between the two parties while in the case of a an artist that is paid for his or her work or as a full time occupation is not provided with the materials to experiment and create whatever he likes. A sponsored artist is a much more popular artist and always makes sure that the jewellery is sold in his/her name, because of which he/she charges the royalties that are charged.

Fine now finally lets get onto how one can be sponsored:

1) Fashion earrings and Imitation earrings Exhibitions

Conducting regular exhibitions will certainly take your name out there amongst the people. Getting a sponsor is not easy, but it certainly isn’t too hard either. Just the basics need to be kept in mind. If you are exhibiting make sure your name is out there and anyone that sees the fashion earrings atleast during your exhibition knows very clearly who has designed those. It can easily become a completely pointless exhibition if one just roams around looking at fashion earrings thinking they’re inside a store and not an exhibition. That brings me to the next thing.

2) Conduct Exhibitions with some of your most distinct designs!

If every fashion earring that you have exhibited is unique and distinct one wouldn’t simply pass by without having a look at it. Similar designs in a fashion earrings exhibition don’t say much other than a person has just created a bunch of similar designs, although consistency and making similar designs are certainly two different things.

3) Consistency

As I mentioned in the above point that consistency and similar works are two different things. I said that since some sponsors don’t want to invest in an artist that creates very varied forms of works since he’d simply not know what he’d create one morning and what on another. For this you must have a signature look that is consistent all across your fashion earring collection. This gives sponsors the confidence to invest in an artist for a work that isn’t too far away from the sponsor’s imagination and hence can be trusted a little more.

4) Story

While conducting an exhibition may it be online or offline always have a story against every fashion earring that you display. The thing is reading takes a little longer. A strong story behind the design of the fashion earring will create a larger impact. It will give the person who is attending the online or physical exhibition an insight into the creator’s mind and add meaning to every fashion earring displayed in the exhibition.

5) An online portfolio

Every fashion earrings artist must have atleast one online portfolio may it be on or any other platform. One can also have a personal website where he/she has displayed his/her works online. This makes it easier if a online potential sponsor tries to connect with you and asks if he or she could see your works.

6) Instagram

Instagram is a great platform for those that are trying to gain sponsors. A higher number of following will eventually turn your account name into a brand name if you are persistent and make you a strong influencer in the world of fashion earrings. There are several sponsors that are willing to bet on those that have anywhere upwards of a 100,000 followers. If you are artist looking for a sponsor then definitely Instagram is one your best bets to have a profile and following on.

I hope you found this blog really helpful. I have been in jewellery artist for the past 40 years and I love the internet. I was luckily sponsored by several people and seeing the opportunities today I though i must write how you can get sponsored too for your fashion earrings online or otherwise. So may your designs be normal fashion imitation earrings online or funky fashion jewellery online, it doesn’t matter as long as they look good and you are persistent.


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